Five Nights At Freddy's
Attention : Ce quizz est en anglais mais cela ne veux pas dire que je le suis, et que tous mes quizz seront comme ça, merci.
etter Boo55
5 problemer
1. Who is the creator of this game ?
a Mike Schmidt
b Jeremy Fitzgerald
c Scott Cawthon
d Boo55
2. Who is the killer of fives childrens and how is it ?
a Vincent the purple guy
b Minker the pink guy
c Jake the yellow guy
d Christophe the green guy
3. Who is the voice of the man on the phone ?
a Scott Cawthon
b Whinther Malk
4. What gender the child is in Bonnie ?
a A boy.
b A girl
5. What is the order of the games, if we follow the story ?
a 1-2-3-4
b 2-1-4-3
c 3-4-1-2
d 4-3-2-1