Êtes-vous bilingue (anglais) ?
Test d'anglais (difficile)
etter eeck
10 problemer
1. Complétez : "She ... you were French."
a Say me
b Told
c Said
d Asked
2. Complétez : "I am not responsible ... your problems."
a Of
b From
c For
d About
3. This is...
a The St Peter's flag
b The St Matthew's cross
c The St George's banner
d The union jack
4. "His parents are concerned ... his behaviour."
a With
b About
c For
d Against
5. "What do you think ... in five years from now ?"
a You'll do
b You'll be doing
c You are doing
d You have been doing
6. Quelle expression signifie "organiser une fête" ?
a To drive a party
b To throw a party
c To cook a party
d To set a party
7. Que signifie l'expression "to collect one's thoughts" ?
a Réfléchir
b Se mettre d'accord
c Se recueillir
d Faire une collection
8. "My father is an authority ... French history."
a In
b On
c With
d About
9. "His accountant was ... the books to launder money."
a Cooking
b Marking
c Stuffing
d Jerking
10. "I tried ... champagne with vodka to see what would happen."
a To mix
b Mixing