Adjectif de personnalité 5e
Anglais : adjectif de personnalité 5e avec aide du livre : I bet you can.
etter Gaga83
6 problemer
1. How do you say in English "étrange" ?
a Strange
b Entrange
c Etrange
d Souspicious
2. What is the color of hair ?
a Black
b Yellow
c Blond
d Brown
3. Comment dit on en anglais " Elle des cheveux roux " ?
a She have red hair
b She has red hair
c She has a red hair
d She have red haire
4. How do you say in French " to wear" ?
a Porter
b Soulever
c Portée
d Entendre
5. Where is the girl with brown hair ?
a Porpentina
b Gnarlak
c Newt
d Seraphina
6. What is he holding in his hand ?
a A paper
b A car
c A map
d A card