Expressions anglaises et équivalences françaises !
Votre mission : retrouver la bonne expression anglaise ! Les traduction du français à l'anglais et vice versa peuvent être surprenantes.
etter Maltoris
5 problemer
1. Quel est l'équivalent d' "Il pleut des cordes" ?
a It's raining frogs and princesses
b It's raining ropes
c It's raining a lot
d It's raining cats and dogs
2. Etre comme un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine ?
a To be like a horse in a corridor
b To be like a bull in a china shop
c To be like an elephant in a porcelain shop
d To be like a whale on a tiny ship
3. Etre myope comme une taupe ?
a To be as blind as a mole
b To be as blind as an axolotl
c To be as blind as a bat
d To be as blind as grandma
4. Avoir un chat dans la gorge ?
a To have a bat in the throat
b To have a hedgehog in the throat
c To have a dog in the throat
d To have a frog in the throat
5. Qui aime bien châtie bien ?
a What's bred in the bone comes out in the flesh
b Spare the rod and spoil the child
c The jig's up !
d Once in a while does no harm