2023 Thanksgiving traditions
This is a quiz about 2023 Thanksgiving traditions
etter Fluffiges_Kiwi
15 problemer
1. Which animals is the President pardonning each year ?
a Each year, the President is pardonning a chicken
b Each jear the President is pardonning a goose
c Each jear the President is pardonning a turkey
d Eech year the President is pardonning a duck
2. What are the Americans eating on thanksgiving ?
a They are eating a roasted chicken and a pear pie
b They are eating a big meal with sweet or mashed potatoes, vegetable sides, gravy and an pumpkin or apple pie
c They are eating French fries, salad and tiramisu
d They are eating fish and chips, pumpkin soup and muffins
3. What does the americans watch after the big meal ?
a They watch soccer
b They watch One piece
c They watch a cooking show
d They watch football
4. What does the black in black friday mean ?
a They liked the color
b They took a random color
c Black is forthe chaos
d I don't know :)
5. Why is the president pardonning two turkeys ?
a Because why not ?
b The president is pardonning two turkeys so they don't feel loneley
c Because he wants to
d The president is pardonning two turkeys in case one dies
6. When is black Friday ?
a Black friday is the friday before Thanksgiving
b The Black friday is the 2nd Friday of November
c Black friday is the friday after thanksgiving
d Black friday is the 3rd Friday of november
7. Which teams play against each other each year on thanksgiving ?
a The Dallas Cowboys play against the Detroit Lions
b The Dalas Cowboys play against the Detroit Tigers
c The Dallas Cowboy play against the Deltroit Lions
d The Dalas Cowboys play against the Deltroit Lions
8. Why are the americans going to church on thanksgiving in the afternoon ?
a They are going to church to an interfait service to organise fundraising and charity
b They are going to an inter faith service to organise fundraising and organnise chrity
c They are going to church to an interfaith sevice to organise funndraising and organise charity
d They are going to an interfaith service to organise fundraising and organise charity
9. By who is the Parade organised each year ?
a The parade is organised by Macy's a famous departement store
b Each year the parade is organised by Nacy's, a famous departement store
c Each year the parade is organised by Maci's, a famous departement store
d Each year the parade is organised by Macy's a famus department store
10. What is happening on black friday ?
a Generally the people take a day off, rush to the stores, go nuts, figt and shout
b On black Friday, everithing is more expensive to buy
c The stores give things away for free
d It is a holiday
11. Where does the Thanksgiving tradition come from ?
a Thanksgiving is the birthday of some important dude
b Thanksgiving is the date on which an important dude died
c Thanksgiving is a tradition who was originally a harvest feast shared between the wampanoag people and the English colonists
d Thanksgiving is a tradition who was originally a harvest feast shared between the English colonists and the sioux people
12. Which are the names of the two turkeys which have been pardoned this year?
a Liberti and bell
b Chocolate and chip
c Liberty and Bel
d Liberty and Bell
13. What is liberty's and bell's hatch date ?
a Liberty and bell hatched approximately on July 10th
b Liberty and bell hatched approximately on June 10th
c Liberty and bell hatched approximately on July 22nd
d Liberty and bell hatched approximately on June 25th
14. What does liberty and bell like to listen to ?
a They like to listen to the first Seven deadly sins opening
b They like to listen to Queen
c They like to listen to Taylor swift
d They like to listen to listen to the first Tokyo ghoul opening
15. What happens to the two pardoned Turkeys after Thanksgiving?
a After thanksgiving they get eaten by the president
b After Thanksgiving they go to university, study, get a job, earn money, get married, have a family and live happily ever after
c After Thanksgiving, the two turkeys go to university, study and become the next presidents
d After Thanksgiving the two turkeys are sent to university where they serve as study subjects students in animal sciences programs